Monday, November 11, 2013

Information all about SMK KESEHATAN SURABAYA


 NSS : 403056016101
NPSN : 20568499
Tanggal Pendirian : 5 Januari 2010
Status Sekolah : Swasta
Kepala Sekolah : M. YASIN RUSLAN, SH, M.Pd
Kompetensi :
Kecamatan : Kec. Sukolilo Desa/kel : Medokan Semampir Surabaya 60119 Telp 031-5968122 , Fax Email : Website : [lihat website]

 SEJARAH SMK KESEHATAN SURABAYA Sejarah SMK Kesehatan Surabaya Keberadaan tenaga kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan, baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Sementara Yayasan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia (YPSDMI), baru membuka STIKES Surabaya sederajat dengan Perguruan Tinggi. Berdasarkan masukan dari masyarakat luas yang menyebutkan banyak siswa lulusan SMP sederajat yang secara ekonomi maupun jumlah saudara kandungnya kemungkinan tidak mampu melanjutkan ke jenjang Perguruan Tinggi, padahal mereka ingin menjadi tenaga kesehatan atau Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Kesehatan. Di sisi lain berdasarkan informasi praktisi kesehatan di Surabaya saat ini rekrutmen tenaga pembantu paramedis diambil dari siswa SMA, sehingga tidak efektif dan efisien, karena harus mengajari terlebih dahulu dari nol. Dengan demikian ke depan kalau sejumlah SMK Kesehetan di Surabaya sudah meluluskan, tentu rekrutmen tenaga pembantu paramedis diutamakan dari SMK Kesehatan. Apa lagi kalau seluruh PUSKESMAS di Surabaya nantinya harus membuka pelayanan 24 jam, tentu sangat membutuhkan tenaga lulusan SMK Kesehatan. Dari pertimbangan kemanusiaan serta kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan setingkat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) itulah akhirnya pengurus YPSDMI tergerak untuk membuka Sekolah Kesehatan setingkat SMK, yang diberi nama “SMK KESEHATAN SURABAYA”. Diberi nama "Surabaya" dengan harapan dapat menjadi icon SMK Kesehatan Terbaik di Surabaya khususnya, bahkan terbaik di Indonesia.
Visi : “Unggul dalam kualitas proses, kualitas output dan kualitas outcome"
 Misi :
1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan daya dukung yang representatif.
2. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Total Quality Management (TQM)
3. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan mutu lulusan bermoral, profesional, dan peduli     
1. Ruangan Kelas ber-AC dan LCD Projector
2. Laboratorium Terpadu (Keperawatan, Farmasi dan Analis Kesehatan)
3. Laboratorium Komputer
4. Lapangan Olahraga
5. Perpustakaan
6. Free Wi-Fi 24 Jam (Hot Spot)

  •  Lahan Praktek: 
1. keperawatan: - Rumah sakit besar yang sudah bekerjasama - Puskesmas - Panti wedha - TPA (Tempat penitipan anak) - Klinik dan instasi kesehatan lainnya
2. Farmasi: - BPOM - APOTEK besar yang sudah bekerjasama - Industri farmasi - Pedagang besar farmsi - Rumah sakit
1. Pramuka kesehatan
2. Dance tradisional dan modern
3. Basket
4. Futsal cewek dan cowok
5. Band
6. Karate
7. KIR (Karya lmiah remaja)
8. MTQ (Baca al-qur'an)

1. Menyerahkan Formulir Pendaftaran dengan Biodata diri lengkap
2. Mengikuti Tes Tulis, Tes Kesehatan dan Tes Wawancara (terjadwal) Apabila dinyatakan LULUS: 3. Mengisi form Registrasi ulang dan melengkapi data Administratif
4. Melaksanakan Pembayaran Registrasi Ulang (Rincian Biaya Pendaftaran).
5. Mengikuti Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) (terjadwal) PROGRAM E-SERVICE Easy Service merupakan Pelayanan Pendaftaran Siswa Baru SMK Kesehatan Surabaya dengan memberikan kemudahan :
 1.Mengikuti TES baik mandiri maupun kolektif
2.Scaning (Koreksi) hasil TES
3 Pengumuman hasil TES 4.Her Registrasi I. JADWAL PENERIMAN SISWA BARU GELOMBANG II Pendaftaran Siswa baru gelombang II Tahun Pelajaran 2013 – 2014 di buka mulai tanggal 01 Mei 2013 – KUOTA TERPENUHI II. KETENTUAN SELEKSI TES TULIS DAN TES KESEHATAN CALON SISWA BARU GELOMBANG II TAHUN PELAJARAN 2013-2014 1. Tes tulis dilaksanakan setiap hari kerja. 2. Peserta wajib datang 10 menit sebelum tes di mulai. 3. Peserta Tes tulis dan tes kesehatan, menunjukan tanda bukti/kwitansi pembelian formulir pendaftaran kepada petugas. 4. Pengumuman hasil seleksi dilaksanakan setelah pelaksanaan tes. *) Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi : 031 – 5968122 Hotline : 0812 341 688 74 / 0819 380 380 19 "SMK KESEHATAN ini slallu ada kegiatan lohh.. setiap tahun sekali kami mengadakan study banding ke sekolah yang terkreditasI A this is guyss we moment photos" ini penanaman 1000 pohon bersama "KOMPAS" di SMK KESEHATAN SURABAYA :)) Sekolah kami salah satu dari perwakilan dari 5 sekolah di surabaya yang di datangi oleh KOMPAS untuk ivent penanaman 1000 pohon.
ini penyuluhan ke SD di mojokerto
itulah sekedar infomasi dari saya tentang SMK KESEHATAN SURABAYA dan untuk adik" SMP yang masih bingung ingin sekolah kemana langsung aja deh daftar disini :) dijamin masa depan kalian "more to be succes it! belive me! i'm sure that!"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Waiting a new year moment :)

Before I left for the unfortunate morning. me and my family packed up first. one of the family was yet to come in my house. many brothers and sisters who come to surabaya far just for a vacation together. all the things I need in my suitcase ready. Brother’s and sister’s has come and hang out. it's just that we all stay put luggage in the trunk of the car. we also went directly to the Malang in the morning. somewhere along the way we also got stuck in traffic a long way toward club bunga hotel sights. after heading a few hours, our car free of traffic jams long and continued the journey to the inn. Arriving in Malang we also directly at the hotel. but we had to wait 2 hours in advance to get into the room. 2 hours had passed our family was finally able to get into the room while picking up our luggage into the cupboard. cleaning up after me and my cousin played directly into the existing sports center in the hotel. there we a lot of play, because of the hotel facilitating interesting game for example Billyard etc. fatigue has been to us, and then we also went to the hotel lobby to buy a snack. in our lobby and guests are served by the band at the hotel. very convenient for us and all the other hotel guests. At the time relaxing in the lobby of my parents suddenly came toward us. after that followed by my brothers. our family evening walks surround the hotel. at the moment in front of the karaoke, karaoke with my family the other hotel guests in the evening. we were there till 12 o'clock at night. but my eyes are misty because of sleepiness washed over me. after that I will get out of the karaoke while leaving my family there to go back to the room. Arriving in the room that I will not forget the room key was taken by my mother. then I went back again to the karaoke place to take my room key. after arriving in the room I will instantly relax while waiting for the parents returned to the room. in the morning in the last few days less will leave in 2012. I and the family had breakfast together and then I took my brothers swim while fish therapy. after the swim we also play the sport center again. and the time to return to the room suddenly heard a voice Announcements from the hotel which is said to hold the race to wait for the new year. after that my aunt took me to the race which was held from the hotel. after the race we were quite happy that we won the race the first time. after we immediately took the prize in the race committee. afternoon, my parents suddenly gave me a ticket for the entertainment tonight. night I and a family prepares to lobby to see the entertainment organized for us and the hotel guests. entertainment apparently given to us and the appearance of the hotel guests Bexxa girlband from jakarta and Shows attractions of jatim park 1 and 2. we were amazed to see all of it. while waiting for 12 o'clock at night. guests are served with Announcements door prizes. gifts given so appealing to our family and guests. arrived at 24.00 pm. it's time we get out of the entertainment stage to see the beauty of the fireworks in the evening. we all saw in the pool, after I saw the fireworks and the family returned to the room. the next day we were packing up to return to the city of Surabaya.